Dealing with Spiders in Nashville: Identification and Control Measures
August 06, 2023
By Rachel Maldonado
Ah, spiders. They can be fascinating, intriguing – and, of course, downright scary. And if you live in Nashville, chances are you’ve come across a spider or two.
While they play an important role in controlling pests, such as mosquitoes and flies, some spiders in Nashville can be harmful to humans.
So, what can you do to identify and control spiders in your home or yard? Keep reading to find out.
What Are the Most Common Spiders in Nashville?
“Arachnophobia”: the intense fear of spiders.
We’re all familiar with the term, but in Nashville, there are a few spiders that could make anyone’s skin crawl.
Don’t worry, though – we’re here to break down the most common spiders in Nashville and give you the lowdown on who, exactly, you should watch out for.
1. Brown Recluse Spiders
These spiders are one of the most feared spiders in the Nashville area. They are venomous and can cause some serious damage if bitten. Brown recluse spiders are easy to identify with their dark brown color and noticeable violin-shaped markings on their back.
They tend to hide in dark, quiet areas such as closets, basements, and garages. If bitten by one, you should seek medical attention immediately.
2. Wolf Spiders
Although these spiders may appear intimidating, wolf spiders aren’t venomous and pose little threat to humans. They are hunters and can often be found scurrying across the ground.
Wolf spiders have a distinct pattern on their back that resembles a wolf’s face, hence the name. If you see one of these in your home, it’s best to remove them humanely and release them outside.
3. Southern Black Widow Spiders
Black widow spiders are well-known for their venomous bite. In Nashville, the Southern Black Widow spider is the most common type of black widow.
They are easy to spot with their shiny black bodies and red hourglass markings on their underbelly. If bitten, seek medical attention immediately. It’s important to note that only female black widow spide are venomous.
4. American House Spiders
The American house spider is common in Nashville and is harmless to humans. They are small and typically found lurking in corners or hanging out in spider webs in your home. They can be easily identified by their brownish color and dark markings on their back.
If the spider is no longer wanted in your home, remove it humanely and release it outside.
5. Cellar Spiders
Cellar spiders are commonly referred to as “daddy long-legs” due to their incredibly long and thin legs. They are harmless and pose no threat to humans.
These spiders are often found in dark and damp places, such as basements and cellars. They are a valuable addition to your home, as they help to control other insects in your space, but as with American house spiders, you can catch them and release them outside if you don’t want them around.
6. Northern Black Widow Spiders
This spider has a reputation for being one of the most venomous spiders in North America. The body of this spider is typically shiny black, and females have a red hourglass shape on their belly and may have red spots/markings on their backs.
If you’re bitten by a northern black widow, the venom can cause severe muscle spasms, cramps, and even paralysis.
Fortunately, these spiders aren’t as common inside homes – they are often found in secluded areas, such as woodpiles and sheds. If you do encounter a northern black widow in your house, it’s best to leave it alone and call a professional pest control service.
7. False Black Widow Spiders
Despite their name, false black widow spiders are actually much less dangerous than their northern counterparts. These spiders have a similar appearance but lack the red hourglass shape on their abdomen.
False black widows are usually brown in color and prefer warm, dry environments like attics or sheds. While their venom is still toxic, it is not as potent as a northern black widow’s, and their bite is typically only painful with some mild swelling.
8. Northern Yellow Sac Spiders
Next up, we have the northern yellow sac spider. These spiders are relatively small and light yellow in color. They are known for their habit of building small silk sacs in the corners of rooms or on plants.
While their bite is not usually serious, it can be painful and cause swelling, redness, and itchiness. Northern yellow sac spiders are usually nocturnal, so you may not notice them during the day, but it’s important to check your home for any sacs or webs.
9. Bold Jumping Spiders
If you prefer your spiders cute and cuddly, then you’ll love the bold jumping spider. These spiders are typically brightly colored, with black and white markings and large eyes. They’re called jumping spiders because they’re known for their impressive jumping ability.
Bold jumping spiders are not dangerous to humans and because they are hunters are actually helpful for controlling other pests in your home.
10. Spiny-Backed Orb Weavers
Last but not least, we have the spiny-backed orb weaver. These spiders have a distinctly spiky appearance, with sharp projections along their body. They are often found in gardens and wooded areas, where they build intricate, wheel-shaped webs.
Unlike the other spiders on this list, spiny-backed orb weavers are completely harmless to humans and are actually beneficial for controlling garden pests.
What Are the Best Options for Nashville Spider Control?
Thankfully, there are several options available to keep these eight-legged intruders at bay. Here are the best options for Nashville spider control.
1. Keep Your Home Clean and Decluttered
One of the best ways to prevent spiders from entering your home is to keep it clean and decluttered. Regularly clean your floors, vacuum carpets, and dust surfaces to remove spider webs and egg sacs.
Pay close attention to corners, baseboards, and dark areas where spiders tend to hide. Declutter regularly to eliminate hiding spots for spiders, such as piles of clothing, books, and papers.
2. Use Essential Oils
If you’re looking for a natural, chemical-free spider control method, essential oils may be your answer. Certain scents, such as peppermint, lemon, and lavender, are thought to repel spiders.
Simply add a few drops of your preferred essential oil to a spray bottle filled with water and spritz it around your home. Not only will your home smell great, but it’ll also deter spiders from making themselves comfortable.
3. Install Screens and Door Sweeps
Another way to keep spiders out of your home is to install screens and door sweeps. Screens on windows and doors are effective at keeping spiders and other insects from entering your home.
Door sweeps, which are installed at the bottom of exterior doors, help seal the gap between the door and threshold, preventing spiders from sneaking in through tiny openings.
4. Professional Pest Control Services
For those with severe spider infestations or extensive arachnophobia (or even allergies), professional pest control services tend to be the best option.
Exterminators can assess the severity of your infestation and determine the best course of action to eliminate spiders and prevent them from returning. They may use pesticides, traps, or a combination of both to eradicate spiders from your home.
Get Rid of Spiders in Nashville – Contact Hawx Today!
Don’t let spiders take over your space any longer. Contact Hawx Pest Control today to schedule spider pest control services in Nashville.
Our experts are here to help you get rid of spiders and keep them out for good. With our safe and effective methods and customized solutions, you can trust that your space will be spider-free in no time.
Contact us today to learn more – and join our family of satisfied customers.